Remove it and take it to a locksmith? They may be able to re-key it.
(the service source shows the barrel removed in an exploded view, but doesn't explain how!)
I know it may not be the ultra-low budget route we usually take here, but sometimes the neighborhood shop will surprise you.
Mine came without those things (correct ROMS for an 030) installed when I bought it, but I have the ones from my working IIx that I can put in temporarily to see if they allow it to start.
This is what I've heard (challenge accepted!) - and thanks for posting the pictures, including those of...
So it really is missing in that picture - I knew it! :)
Seriously, thank you for confirming what I suspected. Now the search is on for an 020 (probably not too hard) and an MMU probably really hard...
Let me know if you ever do make any progress with it, and I will do the same.
This summer I have been checking in on all my Mac II family that I have gathered together over the years and put an effort into ensuring that each one of them is cleaned, serviced, setup and working correctly e.g boots and shuts down correctly, has sound, floppy functionality, etc.
The last...
I don't believe this card outputs to the 12" Macintosh Display as shown in this matrix link
I'm also pretty sure that I tried to do this at one time (because I thought that the small monitor size would be handy for testing things out), but when I found it was incompatible with a variety of...
I'm glad you checked back in and that its not all been downhill. If you follow closely enough, you'll notice that there are more than a few of us that have seen tough times and eventually come out the other side. Its taken me years to get around to some of my projects (for some items the...
I've found APS Power Tools to be really good for this over the years. It would mount items that would not mount to the desktop on their own for a variety of reasons e.g. I had a secondary IBM drive that I just could not get the timing right for its startup notification and used it for that one...
Ok, so I have never personally used one of this version, but I thought about getting one to experiment with by putting it in an external case (since it has a configurable SCSI ID available ) On the web page for this, which you might want to check out, it states... (bold emphasis is mine)...
Glad you got it working! One of the brilliant, but maybe overlooked items in that picture is how you placed your board on the bottom of your inverted case as an ersatz bench. Elevated, non-conductive, no worrying about putting the board in correctly each time - nice!
Great work with the PSU also!
Your favorite search engine should be able to provide results - search for this:
Mac 550 Service Source
One of the first couple of links shown for me was
They definitely are! I've had an eBay search for both, for a while now, but haven't seen one come up yet.
(it does get me weekly false positives though)
Also, the T2 (transformer) terminals can look brown and be ok, but on the photo here they appear nearly black. Look closely for signs that the windings or attachments could be burned or separated.
"For use with : Apple Macintosh and Lisa." - because no other computer would use 120 volts in the states. ;)
Nice job on the board, maybe cover it with UV-curable solder mask, if that's ok for a surge suppressor.
I think its great that we now have the option to do so, if we wish - I have over half a dozen Macs with replacement drives and at least five more 'on deck' to be completed as time permits. But I also have plenty more that keep on chugging away with spinning disks, since some are more durable...
...and yes I bought this in spite of the cost. Back four years ago when I bought these, other SCSI solutions were more expensive than they are now and definitely harder to work with, so in the scheme of things it seemed like a better deal than it would be now. A part of me also wanted to test...
It sounds like you have taken care of everything you can and I was actually hoping for you to have a different PSU, since there is a recap kit for the ASTEC one, which makes sourcing the caps a lot easier. Having a list is one thing, but trying to look them all up, get the right diameters and...
It will need to get re-capped soon. (sorry, but you already noticed the cruddy connections - they are evident in the pictures near the caps)
The floppy issues could be that it needs cleaning if you have not cleaned/re-lubed it yet. My II/IIx/IIfx floppy drives all needed this type attention...