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Search results

  1. C

    bloody Classic II, bloody analog board, again! Horizontal size broken.

    Hopefully I'll get some time this weekend to look at the beast. Just started a new job and 'spare time' is a thing of the past!
  2. C

    Bondi Blue CD hints?

    OK, just to complete the documentation on this in case someone if the far future is looking at a similar problem. I recapped the LB (even though the machine works) because . . . well capacitors that old are begging to be replaced. Once that was done, the CD-ROM came back to life!? I'm...
  3. C

    bloody Classic II, bloody analog board, again! Horizontal size broken.

    Thanks! Yes, I'm on the rev B board and your advice sounds like a solid place for me to start. Might be time to move it from the 'someday' pile and onto the bench.
  4. C

    bloody Classic II, bloody analog board, again! Horizontal size broken.

    Sort of? Resistor RP48 was a charred mess, so I replaced it. The new one died a smokey death too, so there's a short somewhere on the AB (I think), but it's anything but obvious. If I can locate the short, I'm reasonably sure clearing it and replacing the resistor again will fix everything. I...
  5. C

    Bondi Blue CD hints?

    I considered another kind of CD drive, and just transferring the bezel over, but the bezel appears to be glued on? I guess worst case (if recapping doesn't work) is transplanting the drawer from the broken drive to a working drive, and hope the problem is in the pc board.
  6. C

    Bondi Blue CD hints?

    Hi! I picked up an imac Bondi Blue this past week, and managed to get everything restored and working (dead hard drive replaced with n SSD, OS loaded), with the exception of the CD-ROM drive. It's D-E-D dead. The drive doesn't spin up, or eject when the button is pushed. Does anyone have any...
  7. C

    Mac classic ii no video sound after recap.

    I measure the voltages at the port in the back.
  8. C

    Mac classic ii no video sound after recap.

    What voltages are you getting on the board? Some of the solder joints look a little off, maybe add some flux and reheat them? Is there any audio from the headphone jack?
  9. C

    Case for Macintosh colour classic

    I thought if you go thru buyee, they take care of the shipping? I found a CCII case on there this morning, but the price is a little steep. Tin's facebook market ad is @...
  10. C

    Case for Macintosh colour classic

    Ugh! I just saw one last week of sale, but can't remember where! Maybe it was on buyee.jp? You may want to reach out to Tin Nguyen on facebook as he seems to have a tonne of vintage gear.
  11. C

    bloody Classic II, bloody analog board, again! Horizontal size broken.

    So the analog board I finally got working a couple weeks ago? Is broken again. I powered up the Classic II this morning, and the image on screen was oversized on the horizontal axis. I tried the horizontal size pot on the back and nothing happened. I expected the size to shrink/expand on the...
  12. C

    Mac Classic Analog Board - Clicking sound with oscillating 12v and less than 1v on the 5v rail

    Awesome news! Congratulations on getting it restored and, when they arrive you'll have new caps to restore another one (or am I the only sadist who looks to use up all the parts sitting around?).
  13. C

    Mac Classic Analog Board - Clicking sound with oscillating 12v and less than 1v on the 5v rail

    I would never have thought of the electrolytic goop causing the issue. Thanks, I learned somethin'.
  14. C

    Mac Classic Analog Board - Clicking sound with oscillating 12v and less than 1v on the 5v rail

    Any time I heard clicking from an AB board, it was because of a short somewhere. The power supply was trying to start, failing, and starting again over and over again.
  15. C

    Mac Classic Analog Board - Clicking sound with oscillating 12v and less than 1v on the 5v rail

    My AB was only getting to 9.8v on the 12v rail. After reading a lot, I understood that that was not enough voltage to get everything running. I recapped the board without paying attention to the ESR rating, and got the same results. Then I saw a reference to Amiga of Rochester's list of...
  16. C

    Classic II analog board voltage problem

    Just to close this off . . . I ordered new low ESR caps based on the list from Amega of Rochester (https://amigaofrochester.com/recap-services/capacitor-list/) which I didn't see before I did the cap work. :( Replaced all the regular caps with the low ESR type, and the damn thing chimed and...
  17. C

    Mac Classic Analog Board - Clicking sound with oscillating 12v and less than 1v on the 5v rail

    Well, the new low ESR caps did the trick! After weeks of playing with this horrible AB, it chimed and came right up. Might help someone else?
  18. C

    Mac Classic Analog Board - Clicking sound with oscillating 12v and less than 1v on the 5v rail

    I replaced all of them, since I saw that shiny 'hey, I leaked' deposit all over the place. So I pulled them all, cleaned the board and replaced with new caps. I'm going to order new low ESR caps based on the list from Amega of Rochester...
  19. C

    Mac Classic Analog Board - Clicking sound with oscillating 12v and less than 1v on the 5v rail

    I'm having a similar problem (12v won't go above 10v), and I'm starting to wonder if the caps need a low ESR value?
  20. C

    Classic II analog board voltage problem

    Yea, it seems OK (varies from 0.5 to 180 ohm), but my meter shows the resistance creeping a little, even without touching it. I think for the sake of $1 part, I'm going to replace it.