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Search results

  1. splorp

    New to Newton - How to add software?

    Yes. If your Newton has a networking card (ethernet, wireless, etc.), you can connect to another computer running a package installation program. However, connecting over the network requires additional drivers on the Newton to support the card itself, so you’ll still need to start with a serial...
  2. splorp

    New to Newton - How to add software?

    As mentioned, you’ll need to use a serial connection (at the very least) to install packages on your Newton. There are various ways to do this, depending on what operating system you’re going to be connecting to (macOS, Windows, Linux). The MessagePad 2000 and 2100 both came with CDs of...
  3. splorp

    Probably a dumb question: is there a faster way to set the year than tapping 312 times?

    Here are a handful of other methods … André Chichak’s Fast Times is designed to let you set the time much more quickly. NetTime sets the time using Network Time servers. Frank Gründel’s NewtTest offers an alternate way of setting the time. Simon Bell’s Newton Connection for OS X (NCX) has a...
  4. splorp

    HyperCard Community?

    By the way, if you’re looking to run Discord on certain “legacy” Mac systems, there’s this handy little thing. https://github.com/Jazzzny/Discord-Legacy-Patcher
  5. splorp


    This is amazing, Adam.
  6. splorp


    I’ve looked through all of my AMUG, Gem, Planet Newton, Ultimate Newton, and other collection backups. I cannot for the life of me locate a copy of NewtHack 1.0 … what the actual heck?
  7. splorp

    Newtpaint FULL version?

    I was able to convert the image file using Disk Utility under High Sierra. My guess is that support for HFS images was dropped in newer versions of Disk Utility.
  8. splorp

    Newtpaint FULL version?

    Change the file extension from .image to .img Open Disk Utility Choose Images > Convert… Select the .img file and Click “Choose” The legacy disk image will be converted to a .dmg file which can be mounted in newer versions of macOS.
  9. splorp

    Einstein (Newton Emulator)

    Matthias Melcher put together some instructions for installing Einstein on Android. By his own admission, it’s likely a bit out of date. http://www.messagepad.org/Newton_Install_Android.html
  10. splorp

    Want to add a Newton to my collection.

    Yes, there is a separate 2010 patch by Avi Drissman for MessagePad 120/130 devices running NOS 2.0. http://www.drissman.com/avi/newton/Fix2010/
  11. splorp

    Want to add a Newton to my collection.

    Traps? Perish the thought. Owning a Newton device means you’re ready to embrace the quirks of the platform, not trying to avoid the traps. :) A couple of things to note: Make sure you use an original power adapter. Newton devices are extremely sensitive to voltage variations that may occur...
  12. splorp

    eMate 300 not working - "dead"

    It’s so odd that you’re not even seeing the power indicator light up. To me, that says that there is something amiss internally … perhaps a dislodged connector. As for disassembly, the eMate casing tends to be more robust than the beige Apple plastic that we’re used to seeing snap apart.
  13. splorp

    Newton 2100 screen - half is missing

    Ooh … thanks for posting this.
  14. splorp

    Newton 2100 screen - half is missing

    It’s a single unit, AFAIK. Not to my knowledge. However, I did find another MP2x00 disassembly walkthrough on the iFixIt site. https://www.ifixit.com/Teardown/Apple+Tablet+Teardown/2153
  15. splorp

    Newton 2100 screen - half is missing

    You’re welcome! If it does turn out to be a damaged display, I have a few sources for replacement parts that I can share,
  16. splorp

    Newton 2100 screen - half is missing

    The screen may not need to be replaced. This is more likely due to the display connector becoming unseated from the main board, or as you mentioned, the connector being damaged due to “tinkering”. Frank Gründel has published a number of disassembly and repairs guides for various Newton models...
  17. splorp

    Finally acquired my first Newton... no serial adaptor

    Our pal @androda makes an internal serial board for the MP2000/2100 as well. Unfortunately, it’s out of stock at the moment, but I can vouch for it’s quality. https://androda.work/product/newton-internal-serial-for-2000-2100/ Based on my own experience, I wouldn’t touch Newton Sales with a...
  18. splorp

    Cleaning up the basement and rediscovered the triplets.

    I can vouch for the use of isopropyl alcohol to help remove most of the stickiness from those Newton cases. It works 90% of time, based on my experience. If you can’t locate the keyboard or power adapters, let me know. I have a number of spares that I can send to a new home for a decent price...
  19. splorp

    Newton Columbo’s game card

    Not rare (at least compared to some other Newton software titles). I have a couple of these cards in my collection. Here’s a good post about the game with a bunch of screenshots. http://myapplenewton.blogspot.com/2010/02/columbos-mystery-capers.html