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Recent content by 68kPlus

  1. 68kPlus

    512k with 800k floppy...Arrrrrgh!!!!!

    Yup... I've spent a ton on caps and I don't even have THAT many Macs. $200 for a flyback transformer? Jeez....... sold.
  2. 68kPlus

    512k with 800k floppy...Arrrrrgh!!!!!

    Have you fully recapped it and cleaned all of the analog board? Apparently inconsistent boots can be a symptom of a weak power supply, meaning your board might need recapping or could have some corrosion in places. Worth checking!
  3. 68kPlus

    Rodime SCSI drive from SE30 ROM Help!

    Perhaps give https://tinkerdifferent.com/ a go.
  4. 68kPlus

    Macintosh Classic (I/II) analogboard recreation (820-0525-A)

    Yeah maybe pinwise, but I think the components on the board are also different, so I wouldn't want to try.
  5. 68kPlus

    Macintosh Classic (I/II) analogboard recreation (820-0525-A)

    https://68kmla.org/bb/index.php?threads/are-the-early-and-late-macintosh-classic-analog-boards-different.46814/ They're really not. I have a Type A CRT and a Type B, and the connectors are incompatible.
  6. 68kPlus

    Macintosh Classic (I/II) analogboard recreation (820-0525-A)

    The Classic I type A board can't be used with a Type B yoke and vice versa though. My Classic I is a Type B. Anyway, do you have Type A and B PCBs?
  7. 68kPlus

    Macintosh Classic (I/II) analogboard recreation (820-0525-A)

    Ooh nice. Might have to do that with my Classic type B board if it comes to it. Are there many differences between the Classic I and Classic II board types?
  8. 68kPlus

    Macintosh Classic (I/II) analogboard recreation (820-0525-A)

    Ooh nice! Any SMD parts on the Classic type B board?
  9. 68kPlus

    Nearly torn cap on Mac SE/30, need advice

    I second this. I lifted a few pads as my iron wasn't hot enough, and I did exactly this. Worked perfectly on my analog board.
  10. 68kPlus

    Adding 8 slots to my Compact Mac

    Oh right. Sorta skimmed through the post 😅
  11. 68kPlus

    Adding 8 slots to my Compact Mac

    This is fascinating, and I was only just wondering if Nubus cards were ever adapted for SEs. Very interesting, and would be interested to see if it can be recreated!
  12. 68kPlus

    Mac 512ke ram expansion

    Not that I'm aware of. Worth investigating though!
  13. 68kPlus

    Macintosh IIfx logicboard recreation

    This is amazing! Love this seeing this sort of work. Even my Mum was impressed and she doesn't even know how any of it works.
  14. 68kPlus

    I need help fixing a imac g3 M4984

    I can second this 100%. I bought one recently (Donberg no longer has them sadly), and replaced my Grape tray loader's flyback. Went well and now I have a fully working iMac G3 tray, so once I replace the caps on it I should be able to keep it running for hopefully another 20 years! :D
  15. 68kPlus

    Grape iMac DV Revival

    Hey @CYB3RBYTE, any luck with this yet?